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Happy birthday, Maharani Wahyu Saridewi! Well I guess u must be really happy celebrated your birthday kat sana and I'm here, I feel so....sad bcs i cant celebrate it with you this year...probably forever :'( I promised you to write about you kat sini kan, but sorry sebab lambat bcs i'm too busy doing nothing hehe.To be honest, you're the most 'baik' person ive ever met. I'm glad to have u as my friend, i mean the bestest friend. A friend who always dengar apa problem kita, a friend yg always support kita, a friend yg tak pernah marah kita, a friend yg faham kita, a friend yg cheer me up whenever i feel down/sad, a friend yg nasihat kita, yg tolong kita setiap masa. Terima kasih tolong kita selama awk ada kat Malaysia sebelum ni, i dont take your kindness for granted. I'm sorry if kita ada layan awk dengan cara tak elok, i'm sorry if awak ada terkecil hati with my words. I'm sorry. Hm almost everyday kot i told my mom that i missed u so much. Rasa lain bila awak pindah, sometimes i feel empty, idk why. And things changed. Semua org dah bukan like they used to be. They turned into someone else. Kalau teacher tak bagitau awak pindah haritu, memang kita takkan tahu lah kan awk akan pindah? Bila kita dpt tahu awk pindah, i cried. It's so hard to accept the fact. Memang ada niat pun nak pergi airport untuk hantar awk. Bila lagu maroon 5 & shinee mesti teringat awak :( Thank you sebab ikhlas kawan dengan kita. Thanks sebab boleh tahan dengan perangai kita ni hehe. Sorry lah kalau kita marah awk selama ni. Well, no one could ever replace you. Happy birthday! May Allah bless you. Have a blast ♡♡
I....miss you :(
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